What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

SERVPRO of Alexandria really helped out with a mold problem in my building. It was all over the walls and some parts of the ceiling. They did an excellent job at removing it all. Really thankful for their work.

The team at SERVPRO of Alexandria helped me restore my business after we had an electrical fire. The smoke traveled through the air vents and made every office stink. They came in and worked with my insurance company to get us back to work faster than I thought. It wasn't just an odor issue either. There was a burnt wall that created black soot. The crew cleaned everything and removed what couldn't be cleaned. Would definitely recommend! Thanks SERVPRO of Alexandria! 

A storm caused a tree to fall onto the lobby area. There was significant water damage. The floors and walls was soaked. We called SERVPRO of Alexandria. The crew brought out fans and dehumidifiers! Wow! These guys knew what they was doing! Within a few days, everything was dry.

Our law firm were preparing for our annual Thanksgiving Lunch party and found out that we had mold in our back kitchen. The crew from SERVPRO was very helpful! They eliminated the mold and odor. 

I came to the office in the morning and discovered that the hot water tank had leaked and caused water damage. I called SERVPRO of Alexandria. They got to the office within an hour. They were quick and professional.

When we expanded our building to provide for more retail space there was a lot of drywall dust, saw dust and debris. SERVPRO of Alexandria was able to provide post construction cleanup. We were able to open the new space immediately after they completed their cleaning process.